
Driving a Boom in Pulsed Light Research

Driving a Boom in Pulsed Light Research

Pulsed Light has been around for a long time, but these days research efforts are growing faster than ever. R&D labs in companies, universities, and government are exploring a myriad of applications such as decontaminating and fortifying food products, sanitizing...

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Pulsed Light: Disrupting an Entire Industry

Pulsed Light: Disrupting an Entire Industry

Every now and then, a technology comes along that disrupts an entire industry. For the mushroom business, that technology may well be Pulsed Light. What makes Pulsed Light so disruptive? For one, it can improve the safety of the production process, because it’s proven...

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Partner Spotlight: MOS Technology

Partner Spotlight: MOS Technology

With this blog, we are pleased to introduce a new feature spotlighting XENON distributors, OEMs, and other partners. In our first installment, our featured partner is MOS Technology of Taiwan. MOS Technology is an equipment and parts provider with comprehensive...

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Pulsed Light & Mushrooms: Growing Possibilities

Pulsed Light & Mushrooms: Growing Possibilities

It’s been more than a year since we featured mushrooms and Pulsed Light in this space, and it’s time to do an update because a lot has been happening. First, some background for those who are new to the subject. Mushrooms are one of the richest sources of Vitamin D...

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Pulsed Light: Like a Breath of Fresh Air

Pulsed Light: Like a Breath of Fresh Air

Pulsed Light is one of the most versatile technologies in the world. Harnessing the power of the sun, it’s being used to sanitize surfaces, enhance nutritional value in foods, improve food shelf life, and cure special materials, among other things. What could possibly...

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Energized by the Possibilities of Pulsed Light

Energized by the Possibilities of Pulsed Light

What’s exciting about Pulsed Light is the seemingly endless list of beneficial uses for the technology that have been discovered. And we keep learning of more. It was in this vein that two years ago, XENON launched the campaign “What could you do with high-energy...

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Wondering About the Future of Pulsed Light

Wondering About the Future of Pulsed Light

What do chicken eggs, solar cells, and avocados have in common? They were all made better or safer in 2021 thanks to breakthrough research in the use of Pulsed Light. Chicken eggs made headlines when Dr. Josh Cassar announced that Pulsed Light could decontaminate eggs...

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A Brighter Future for Solar Cells

A Brighter Future for Solar Cells

For the past decade, Thad Druffel has been developing materials and processes for roll-to-roll manufacturing of commercial renewable energy devices, with a particular interest in the use of Pulsed Light. He has written over 20 papers on the subject, and has used XENON...

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