John Glynn II North American Sales Manager
John started his career at AMD, and has held sales director and VP positions in many notable technology companies. Most recently he was Director of Sales, Marketing and Product Development for NRD, LLC, a technology company in Grand Island, NY. To welcome John to XENON, we interviewed him about his background and his views on the next steps for Pulsed Light technology.
Q: Tell us about yourself. What is your background in this field?
A: I’ve always been interested in technology. In fact, my father worked in the industry as VP of Cornell Dubilier. My entire work experience dovetails nicely with XENON. I was aware of XENON when I worked at NRD because XENON uses NRD devices for some of its work. The more I learned about the company, the more interested I became in Pulsed Light technology and the opportunities that are out there.
Q: What applications and opportunities do you see for Pulsed Light?
A: Pulsed Light has many existing and potential applications across very different markets. and each one has its own set of needs and challenges. We’ll continue developing the use of Pulsed Light in the food processing industry, for safety applications and for nutritional enhancement such as increasing Vitamin D in mushrooms. In other areas, like the semiconductor industry, there is growing interest around UV curing. I see sintering. annealing and nano manufacturing as markets with huge potential. Just look at the number of display screens we see every day. They’re in our cars, on our phones, really everywhere, and Pulsed Light is an enabling technology for many of these applications.
I would add that printed electronics, which XENON has been involved in from the start, may become a strong growth market as well. XENON was 10 years ahead of its time in helping to jumpstart this industry, and I think it’s poised to take off in the next few years.
Q: XENON develops its own products and also works with OEMs quite a bit. Do you see that continuing?
Absolutely. We have the Pulsed Light expertise and vertical market experience in certain areas, and OEMs bring their own expertise to the table, so by working together the potential is unlimited. Some products we can develop on our own, such as general-purpose conveyor systems or sanitization products for use in a variety of applications. Or, we can work with OEMs to develop specific products at targeted opportunities, either by providing components and assemblies, or by jointly developing solutions. This is what we’ve done with companies like Steribin, for example. The most exciting thing is that there are many potential applications for Pulsed Light, and we have the team we need to deliver solutions.
Of course, we’ll continue to focus on providing systems and components designed specifically for researchers in R&D labs and universities. Helping to drive research and discover new applications has always been important to XENON.
Q: Speaking of innovation, what do you think the next breakthrough application will be for Pulsed Light?
A: There are many I could mention, but I think there’s a huge opportunity for using Pulsed Light in HVAC and air circulation systems. COVID-19 has shown us the importance of keeping the air we breathe as clean and safe as possible. Right now, many HVAC systems use ionization or continuous UV light and claim they sanitize the air, but these approaches don’t come close to Pulsed Light in terms of effectiveness. The fact is, Pulsed Light is one of few proven technologies that can fully destroy pathogens—over 99% when properly applied.
Think what it would mean to have our air systems protected like that! I don’t see why Pulsed Light couldn’t be used in HVAC almost everywhere, from buildings to vehicles. It requires a lot more research and development, but the need is there and XENON has the technology and expertise to help make it happen.
Thanks to John for sharing his thoughts and goals. With the addition of his experience, vision, and knowledge to our team, XENON is well-positioned to continue as the leader in Pulsed Light technology. We’re excited to see what the future will bring!
If you’d like to learn more about Pulsed Light and its many applications, please contact XENON today.