If you’re in the food industry, you know that regulatory bodies worldwide are pushing for more stringent safety measures in food production. The need for innovative, effective, and sustainable solutions has never been more pressing.
The food industry needs answers, and Pulsed Light is delivering them. Pulsed Light is a non-thermal decontamination method that uses high-intensity light pulses to eliminate harmful microorganisms, as we’ve described in previous blogs. The technology is fast and highly effective, and it’s approved by the FDA for use in food production and with food products themselves.
Perhaps most importantly, Pulsed Light can improve safety in multiple ways across the entire value chain of food processing, from growers to the store shelves. No other solution is so versatile or so effective. That’s why food companies that are serious about safety are turning to Pulsed Light.
Here are six ways Pulsed Light can answer the call for safer foods.

The XENON Z-2000 Conveyor Decontamination System with wash-down ready lamp housing.
Processing Equipment: Keeping equipment clean and pathogen-free is a critical step in food safety. More and more, food processors are installing XENON Pulsed Light systems onto existing conveyor lines to supplement disinfection efforts. Since XENON’s lamp housings are wash-down ready, Pulsed Light can be used in conjunction with chemical cleaning to maximize the effectiveness of cleaning protocols.
Packaging: Packaging is another important safety factor, and here again, Pulsed Light can be the perfect answer. It can sterilize materials prior to their contact with food, ensuring an initial layer of protection against contamination. Then, by integrating into packaging lines, Pulsed Light consistently disinfects packaging materials during the process, enhancing overall product safety. Since Pulsed Light does not use chemicals or generate heat, it can be used with almost any kind of packaging material, making it a highly versatile solution.
Food Product Treatment: What about the food itself? Direct application of Pulsed Light on the surface of certain food products can reduce bacteria, extend shelf-life, and ensure their safety. Research has shown that many food products are enhanced by exposure to Pulsed Light, with some foods seeing their shelf-lives extended. For example, in one Pennsylvania State University study, mushrooms treated by Pulsed Light showed increased Vitamin D content and shelf life compared to traditionally grown mushrooms.
Water Treatment: Water is used in many phases of food production, from rinsing and washing the product to cleaning equipment. Pulsed Light helps here, too. Research shows that Pulsed Light can decontaminate flowing water as well as stored water, so a processing plant can ensure that all its water usage is safe. And if your product is the water, Pulsed Light is the answer. For plants processing water bottles, for example, Pulsed Light can provide a comprehensive solution for disinfecting both the container and the product itself.

With optimum design and engineering, Pulsed Light has been found to deactivate up to 99.9999% of exposed pathogens, making it an effective choice for HVAC disinfection.
HVAC: HVAC systems can act as breeding grounds for contaminants, which are then spread through a facility by air circulation. Pulsed Light can sterilize these systems, thereby enhancing air quality and mitigating the risk of airborne contamination. A practical method of achieving this is to integrate Pulsed Light technology into existing HVAC systems by implementing robotic mechanisms or fixed-position products, which effectively sterilize the systems without disrupting their operation.
Floors and Drains: Floors are notorious for harboring pathogens, and are constantly subject to new contamination with every person who enters the facility. Traditional cleaning methods may not eliminate all microorganisms from floors. Pulsed Light technology can supplement these methods, providing a chemical-free solution that can reduce pathogen contamination on surfaces. Pulsed Light is used in hospitals for exactly this purpose. Why not food facilities as well?
Perhaps your company only needs one or two of these applications. Or, like many food processors, you may be able to use all of them. But regardless of your role in the food industry, Pulsed Light technology can be a valuable tool in your safety arsenal. XENON offers complete systems that are ready to install, as well as OEM components for designing your own systems for specific applications. And of course, XENON is the world’s leading supplier of benchtop research systems for your R&D program.
All of these solutions are powered by XENON Pure Pulse™ Technology, proven in thousands of installations worldwide.
The call for food safety is becoming more urgent every day. By harnessing the power of Pulsed Light, you can answer that call and help ensure the well-being of consumers and the integrity of our food supply. As the Pulsed Light Experts, XENON can illuminate your path to safer food production. Contact XENON to learn more.