Manufacture Displays and Touch Screens with the Aid of Pulsed Light
The manufacture of OLED and touch screen displays present a host of technical challenges that are met by Pulsed Light—surfaces and coatings require curing, trace circuits require sintering and thin film layers require bonding. Pulsed Light’s ability to penetrate multiple layers to deliver high energy and create the desired affect is invaluable to display manufacturers.
Manufacture Displays and Touch Screens with the Aid of Pulsed Light
The manufacture of OLED and touch screen displays present a host of technical challenges that are met by Pulsed Light—surfaces and coatings require curing, trace circuits require sintering and thin film layers require bonding. Pulsed Light’s ability to penetrate multiple layers to deliver high energy and create the desired affect is invaluable to display manufacturers.
XENON Products for Display Manufacturing
The X-1100 offers researchers the ability to study the effects of Pulsed Light in countless applications.
- High energy Pulsed Light research system
- Benchtop tool with small footprint
- Plugs into standard outlet
- Low cost
- Easy setup
The X-1100/2 Now available!
Twice the energy of the standard X-1100
The XENON RC-800 offers one of the safest, most flexible, highest performing curing solutions available anywhere. The modular system provides energy efficient, rapid, cool curing at low operating costs.
- CoolCure™ technology
- Deep penetration
- Low power consumption
- Process flexibility
- Short cure time
- Modular components
- Mercury free
The XENON RC-900 offers all of the features of the RC-800 but with increased power and energy output driven by a 6 kilowatt power supply, which results in faster curing through faster pulse rates.
- CoolCure™ technology
- High peak power
- Deepest penetration
- Lower power consumption
- Modular components
- Ultrashort cures
- Single- and dual-lamp configurations
The XENON CIXL is the low-cost, all-in-one Pulsed Light solution that incorporates a xenon lamp, power supply and cooling fan, all in a stainless steel housing.
- Lowest cost
- Easy to install
- Easy to use
- Operates on 110 volt
- Use alone or daisy chain
- Factory configured pulse width